“When fantasy intertwines with reality, I'm unstoppable in my creativity.”
— Crozzways
Jeroen Engelen (born December 6, 1990) aka Crozzways, is a Dutch artist and designer. Hailing from the southern province of Limburg, he has made Amsterdam his home.
At the age of 20 he had the incredible opportunity to work alongside pop artist, and superstar Lady Gaga during her guest editorship for Metro news in London.
Now the Amsterdam-based artist is known for his creation of The Urban Elf - a mythical, and interdimensional being from an unseen world called Folklore Forest. Clean strokes, vibrant colors, pointy ears, and an iconic black mouth mask, characterize his artworks.
Dwelling across the in-between, The Urban Elf traverses from one reality into another, visiting a perpetual multitude of mediums, times and dimensions, discovering new and exciting places.
Inspired by pop culture, Japanese anime, and street fashion, Crozzways continues to create thrilling narratives that grab your attention and leave you bedazzled.
Name: Urban Elf
Hometown: Folklore Forest
Species: Elf
Ability: Swagic
It is said to roam around so called ‘cool spots’ - areas that have magical, and artistic properties, such as an historic site, a monument or a lush green park.
The Urban Elf likes to hang out on rooftops, graffiti covered alleys and can also be seen around skate parks, shrines, museums, shopping centers, industrial terrains and other suburban areas.
Some people believe that The Urban Elf can shape-shift into a variety of forms to adapt its appearance to the worlds he visits. This allows him to easily blend in without disturbing the natural order.
It is unknown as to why he left Folklore Forest and entered our reality. What mysteries do we have yet to uncover? Where will he show up next?
Who knows, you may crozzways.